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Medical certificate in case of illness during holidays

Since 1 January 2024, your employees who fall ill during their annual leave can defer their holidays so that they can take them later in the year. However, your employee must then notify you immediately and provide you with a medical certificate.

30 June 2024
ill, sick

Disclaimer. The English translations provided herein are generated by artificial intelligence from Dutch and French content. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee that the translations will be error-free. The translated content is for readability purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice. For accurate information, employers and HR professionals are advised to consult the original versions in Dutch or French, or to consult your Securex Legal Advisor.

Delaying holiday in case of illness

Your employee can take his vacation later in case of illness during his annual leave. To do so, your employee must meet two conditions:

  • Notify you immediately of his residence if he is not at his home address (for example, if he is abroad)
  • Send you a medical certificate within two working days or within a reasonable time in case of force majeure

Read also: 'Obligations of the employee in case of incapacity for work during his holidays'

Is there a specific model of medical certificate?

Your employee who falls ill during his annual leave must therefore provide you with a medical certificate. The government has prepared a specific model of medical certificate in case of incapacity for work during holidays. It exists in several languages (Dutch, French, German and English). You can download the model on the right-hand side of this article.

This model allows your employee to prove that he is unfit for work and indicate whether he intends to request a postponement of his holidays. As the model is available in several languages, your incapacitated employee can have this certificate completed abroad by a local doctor.

This model can therefore be used by your employees from now on. However, its use is not compulsory.

As an employer, you retain the right to satisfy yourself that the incapacity for work is genuine, whether it takes place abroad or not.

What does Securex do for you?

You want to consult all the rules around annual leave? Consult our theme articles on annual leave (in Dutch or French).

Do you have questions about taking or postponing holidays? Contact your Legal Advisor Securex at myHR@securex.be.


Leave & absence