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MySecurex: the platform to manage your clients

A practical overview of your clients in one easy tool

MySecurex is a tool for accountants enabling you to manage all relevant information about your clients entrepreneurs. So, you get all data in a clear and accessible way on just one platform. Add new clients, run simulations, apply these immediately and export information? All of this is possible.

With MySecurex, you advise your clients even better. Interested? Ask for a demo and taste the user-friendliness by yourself.

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As an accountant, manage your client portfolio thanks to MySecurex

MySecurex was developed in favour of and together with accountants like you. It allows you to manage your client portfolio intuitively:

  • Analyse client figures (and needs), create simulations and suggest optimisations for remuneration and social security contributions
  • Access all your customers' documents and link them to the right companies
  • Add new customers or easily modify their data, such as a new business location or a new commercial name

No unnecessary frills, but a tool that is as user-friendly as possible. Constantly evolving, as the expectations of customers also evolve. Because digitalization is changing the profession of accountancy. En om die overgang zo vlot mogelijk te laten verlopen, zijn goede tools nodig.

With MySecurex, you hold all keys in hand to saving time, advising clients better and working with us more efficiently.

Extra: your customers can also access MySecurex. So, they can check the status of pending applications. And you don't have to communicate about every change. Win-win: you work more efficiently, and your customer observes that work is progressing.

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Register clients directly through MySecurex

Does one of your clients wish to start as a self-employed? Then, you can easily carry out all the first steps for that new client directly in MySecurex. That way, you and your client save a lot of time and your client is immediately satisfied.

What can you do?

Also interesting: are you already familiar with our packs tailored to novice entrepreneurs?

The benefits:

  • Security: so, you don't skip a single step
  • Ease: the packs are clear and transparent
  • Time-saving: we take care of all legal obligations and formalities 

Want to know more about the packs and how to choose the right one for your customer? Discover our partner packs here.

All functions of MySecurex at a glance

Here's a selection of all you can do with MySecurex:

  1. With the simulation tools, you can: 
  2. Run simulations of your customer's pay and social contributions 
  3. And other computations, just think about maternity leave, gross-nett pay calculator and more. 
  4. For documents
  5. Find all digital documents  
  6. And download, for example, a career certificate or electronic account statements 
  7. Through the E-counter, you manage all information registered through the CBE. Examples are the activities per branch unit, the address, contact details, bank account numbers and more. 
  8. Via Self-Service, you update your client's details with Securex.
  9. Because your client's financial details are visible, you can monitor a lot: 
  10. Applications for bridging rights  
  11. Status of social contributions and/or benefits
  12. Cash reserves and financial transactions 
Gain time and advise your clients even better with MySecurex

Discover the ease of intuitive client management