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HR Research

A close examination of the trends in the labour market and the evolutions within HR!

In order to respond optimally to your needs, we keep abreast of the latest developments and trends in the sector via HR Research, our internal knowledge centre. The wealth of information from our social secretariat, external service and medical control service and our in-house research guarantee quality insights that we would be happy to share with you.

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Professional research, usable recommendations

  • Our knowledge centre helps you with practicable insights
  • We actively participate in the HR debate, and thereby we also defend your point of view
  • HR Research supports our business activities and the development of new products and services to assist you even better

Our publications

Guiding our customers and our partners through the latest evolutions and trends, that is the priority of our internal research and expertise center.

More information
Would you like to know more about our research department HR Research?