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Refresh and supervision for Confidential Adviser

Sharpen your knowledge of psychosocial well-being

As a confidential adviser you are obliged to attend further training annually. Legislation changes constantly, and new insights lead to new procedures. In this further training, we update your knowledge. At the same time, you will exchange interesting experiences with other confidential advisers. 

Choose the module

What will you get from this training?

After this further training and supervision, you:

  • Will be better able to assist colleagues with psychosocial problems.
  • Know how to improve well-being in your organisation.
  • Be aware of legal procedures. Through new case studies, you will learn how to effectively handle conflicts.

This practical training is accredited as part of the KMO-portefeuille (thema: Beroepsspecifieke competenties - DV.O104871), Opleidingsfonds Constructiv, Opleidingsfonds Alimento & Waalse opleidingscheques.


This full-day training consists of a theoretical module (theme of your choice) combined with a practical module, which covers the following points: 

  • Experiences of confidential advisers from other companies and sectors.
  • Strict peer supervision model with clear agreements on confidentiality and discretion.
  • Content of the complaints, the successive steps and your attitude as a confidential adviser.

We offer you several themes to choose from:

  • Conversation techniques: ‘back to basics’ – through role-playing you will practise your role as a confidential adviser in conversations with the complainant, the person accused and third parties. Sign up
  • Connecting communication: communication and conversation techniques based on the principles of connecting communication. Sign up
  • Stress and burn-out: concepts around stress and burnout, how to recognise stress and burnout, and what is your role as a confidential adviser in this? Sign up
  • Increase resilience: you will learn about the different tools that you can use as a confidential adviser to make stress manageable and increase resilience.  Sign up
  • Solution-oriented communication: help and resources for the confidential adviser, rules & communication patterns in conflict situations based on the drama triangle. Sign up 
  • Dealing with emotions: you will learn how to respond appropriately to strong emotions, exchange experiences with other confidential advisers and learn ways to manage these intense emotions and maintain a distance. Sign up
  • Suicide prevention: how do you, as a confidential adviser, ask further questions about the problem and provide support when faced with signs of suicide during a conversation? Sign up
  • Referral options: you will become familiar with the structure, functioning and tasks of the Flemish Centres for Mental Health. This will enable you to refer colleagues for specialised help more effectively. Sign up
  • Role of the confidential adviser in a legal framework: what are the responsibilities of the confidential adviser and other parties under the wellness law? Sign up

These themes are not revised annually but every two years, to give you the chance to follow multiple themes.

Prior knowledge

Before taking this course, you must have completed the ‘Confidential Adviser - Basic Training’ course.


You put together your own theoretical program by choosing several themes. The modules are delivered both online and in person. The choice is yours. After the theory, comes the practice. During an intense period of supervision you exchange experiences with confidential advisers from other companies and sectors.

Do you have any questions about our training offer?