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The tailor-made solution for the self-employed

As a self-employed person, you run more risks than an employee. For example, you are less well protected against incapacity for work. But also your statutory pension and the survivor's pension for your nearest and dearest in case of death are limited. With Life@Ease, you pay less tax and enjoy a higher pension and better protection in case of accidents or illness.

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How does Life@Ease protect you?

  • A complementary pension tailored to your needs
  • An additional income in case of illness or accident
  • Supplementary capital in case of death: so you can protect your family's financial future
  • The best possible fiscal optimisation, thanks to our tailor-made offer
  • One of the best interest rates on the market: 2,50%* in 2025

*De gewaarborgde intrestvoet die van toepassing is op het ogenblik van een premiebetaling blijft gewaarborgd voor deze premiebetaling tot 31/12 van het lopende jaar.

Tailored and optimal protection for entrepreneurs

Life@Ease is a tailor-made package. It protects you and your family in case of accident, illness or death. And also interesting: Life@Ease respects the applicable tax rules. Which means you pay less tax (tax benefit can be up to 70% of your premium).  

Are you affiliated to the Securex Social Insurance Fund and/or Social Secretariat? Then we have your most recent data. Every year, we can calculate the amounts of your premium to ensure you pay as little tax as possible.   

Life@Ease Interest rates overview Life@Ease Fund monitor

Useful documents in French

Les fonds Neutral Life et Dynamic Life ne peuvent plus être souscrits. Les documents et informations de ces fonds sont données à titre indicatif.

Life@Ease Solidarity Regulations Life@Ease General Terms and Conditions Life@Ease Fiche Info PLCI Life@Ease Fiche Info INAMI Life@Ease Fiche Info EIP Life@Ease Fiche Info CPTI Life@Ease Financial info sheet Life insurance - Pension savings and Long-term savings Life@Ease Key information document Life@Ease Technical sheet Life@Ease Management regulations - Branch 21 (1-year guaranteed interest rate 2025) Life@Ease Management regulations - Branch 21 (1-year guaranteed interest rate 2024) Life@Ease Management regulations - Defensive Life Life@Ease Management regulations - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Management regulations - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Prospectus du compartiment sous-jacent Life@Easyvest MSCI World ACWI IMI Life@Ease Monthly management report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Monthly management report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Midterm report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Annual report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Annual report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Annual report - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Annual report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Annual report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Precontractual document about sustainable finance - Life@Ease

Useful documents in Dutch

Op de fondsen Neutral Life en Dynamic Life kan niet meer worden ingetekend. De documenten en informatie van deze fondsen dienen slechts ter informatie.

Life@Ease Solidarity Regulations Life@Ease General Terms and Conditions Life@Ease Infofiche VAPZ Life@Ease Infofiche RIZIV Life@Ease Infofiche IPT Life@Ease Infofiche POZ Life@Ease Financial info sheet Life insurance - Pension savings and Long-term savings Life@Ease Key information document Life@Ease Technical sheet Life@Ease Management regulations - Branch 21 (1-year guaranteed interest rate 2025) Life@Ease Management regulations - Defensive Life Life@Ease Management regulations - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Management regulations - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Prospectus of the underlying sub-fund of Life@Easyvest MSCI World ACWI IMI Life@Ease Monthly management report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Monthly management report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Monthly management report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Midterm report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Midterm report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Annual report - Defensive Life Life@Ease Annual report - Neutral Life Life@Ease Annual report - Securex Life-Balanced Fund Life@Ease Annual report - Dynamic Life Life@Ease Annual report - Life@Easyvest Life@Ease Precontractual document about sustainable finance - Life@Ease
Would you like to know more about how Life@Ease optimally protects you as a self-employed person?